Home Remedies

(by no means does this replace any medication that the physician perscribes for you)

Mosquito bites:

Apply Table Salt to moistened area to stop the itching. Apply pennyroyal oil if you are in an area where there is a large population of mosquitoes. This keeps them away. Sage oil does the same thing.

For Inflammation with Stings:
Apply a paste of Epsom Salt and Vegetable glycerin on the inflammed area and cover with a guaze overnight. The inflammation should be gone by morning.

Pet Care:
Flea Wash: 1 cup fresh or dried rosemar to 1 quart of boiling water. Cover and steep until cool. Strain. Wash Dog and rinse well. Pour Herbal liquid on the dog and work in well. Leave the rosemary tea on the dog and let it dry.

Fly Repellent:
Crunch equal amounts of Bay leaves, crushed cloves, pennyroyal and eucalyptus. Place in attractive mesh bags and hang close to doors or on your screen door.

Flu Tea:
Use equal parts of these following herbs:
Chamomile Marjoram Peppermint basil white willow bark parsley ginger Add a pinch of cayenne pepper.
Use a tablespoon of the mixture steeped in boiling water for about 15 minutes to make a tea. Repeat as necessary.

Links to a couple of sites about Herbs and Home remedies:

"This page gives you the herb of the month!"